fastjson深度源码解析- 词法和语法解析(三) - 针对对象实现解析
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JSON Token解析






public int scanInt(char expectNext) {        matchStat = UNKNOWN;        int offset = 0;        char chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        /** 取整数第一个字符判断是否是引号 */        final boolean quote = chLocal == '"';        if (quote) {            /** 如果是双引号,取第一个数字字符 */            chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        }        final boolean negative = chLocal == '-';        if (negative) {            /** 如果是负数,继续取下一个字符 */            chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        }        int value;        /** 是数字类型 */        if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {            value = chLocal - '0';            for (;;) {                /** 循环将字符转换成数字 */                chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {                    value = value * 10 + (chLocal - '0');                } else if (chLocal == '.') {                    matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                    return 0;                } else {                    break;                }            }            if (value < 0) {                matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                return 0;            }        } else if (chLocal == 'n' && charAt(bp + offset) == 'u' && charAt(bp + offset + 1) == 'l' && charAt(bp + offset + 2) == 'l') {            /** 匹配到null */            matchStat = VALUE_NULL;            value = 0;            offset += 3;            /** 读取null后面的一个字符 */            chLocal = charAt(bp + offset++);            if (quote && chLocal == '"') {                chLocal = charAt(bp + offset++);            }            for (;;) {                /** 如果读取null后面有逗号,认为结束 */                if (chLocal == ',') {                    bp += offset;                    this.ch = charAt(bp);                    matchStat = VALUE_NULL;                    token = JSONToken.COMMA;                    return value;                } else if (chLocal == ']') {                    bp += offset;                    this.ch = charAt(bp);                    matchStat = VALUE_NULL;                    token = JSONToken.RBRACKET;                    return value;                    /** 忽略空白字符 */                } else if (isWhitespace(chLocal)) {                    chLocal = charAt(bp + offset++);                    continue;                }                break;            }            matchStat = NOT_MATCH;            return 0;        } else {            matchStat = NOT_MATCH;            return 0;        }        for (;;) {            /** 根据期望字符用于结束匹配 */            if (chLocal == expectNext) {                bp += offset;                this.ch = this.charAt(bp);                matchStat = VALUE;                token = JSONToken.COMMA;                return negative ? -value : value;            } else {                /** 忽略空白字符 */                if (isWhitespace(chLocal)) {                    chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                    continue;                }                matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                return negative ? -value : value;            }        }    }


  1. 扫描遇到的数字遇到标点符号
  2. 扫描的数字范围溢出
  3. 扫描到的非数字并且不是null
  4. 忽略空白字符的情况下,读取数字后结束符和期望expectNext不一致

fastjson 还提供第二种接口,根据token识别数字:

public final Number integerValue() throws NumberFormatException {        long result = 0;        boolean negative = false;        if (np == -1) {            np = 0;        }        /** np是token开始索引, sp是buffer索引,也代表buffer字符个数 */        int i = np, max = np + sp;        long limit;        long multmin;        int digit;        char type = ' ';        /** 探测数字类型最后一位是否带类型 */        switch (charAt(max - 1)) {            case 'L':                max--;                type = 'L';                break;            case 'S':                max--;                type = 'S';                break;            case 'B':                max--;                type = 'B';                break;            default:                break;        }        /** 探测数字首字符是否是符号 */        if (charAt(np) == '-') {            negative = true;            limit = Long.MIN_VALUE;            i++;        } else {            limit = -Long.MAX_VALUE;        }        multmin = MULTMIN_RADIX_TEN;        if (i < max) {            /** 数字第一个字母转换成数字 */            digit = charAt(i++) - '0';            result = -digit;        }        /** 快速处理高精度整数,因为整数最大是10^9次方 */        while (i < max) {            // Accumulating negatively avoids surprises near MAX_VALUE            digit = charAt(i++) - '0';            /** multmin 大概10^17 */            if (result < multmin) {                /** numberString获取到的不包含数字后缀类型,但是包括负数符号(如果有) */                return new BigInteger(numberString());            }            result *= 10;            if (result < limit + digit) {                return new BigInteger(numberString());            }            result -= digit;        }        if (negative) {            /** 处理完数字 i 是指向数字最后一个字符的下一个字符,             *  这里判断 i > np + 1 , 代表在 有效数字字符范围             */            if (i > np + 1) {                /** 这里根据类型具体后缀类型做一次转换 */                if (result >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && type != 'L') {                    if (type == 'S') {                        return (short) result;                    }                    if (type == 'B') {                        return (byte) result;                    }                    return (int) result;                }                return result;            } else { /* Only got "-" */                throw new NumberFormatException(numberString());            }        } else {            /** 这里是整数, 因为前面处理成负数,取反就可以了 */            result = -result;            /** 这里根据类型具体后缀类型做一次转换 */            if (result <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && type != 'L') {                if (type == 'S') {                    return (short) result;                }                if (type == 'B') {                    return (byte) result;                }                return (int) result;            }            return result;        }    }

fastjson 还提供第三种接口,这个接口严格根据字段名进行匹配json字符串,字段名会自动加上双引号和冒号,格式"key": :

public int scanFieldInt(char[] fieldName) {        matchStat = UNKNOWN;        /** 属性不匹配,忽略 */        if (!charArrayCompare(fieldName)) {            matchStat = NOT_MATCH_NAME;            return 0;        }        int offset = fieldName.length;        char chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        final boolean negative = chLocal == '-';        if (negative) {            /** 如果是负数,读取第一个数字字符 */            chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        }        int value;        if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {            /** 转换成数字 */            value = chLocal - '0';            for (;;) {                chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {                    value = value * 10 + (chLocal - '0');                } else if (chLocal == '.') {                    /** 数字后面有点,不符合整数,标记不匹配 */                    matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                    return 0;                } else {                    break;                }            }            /** value < 0 代表整数值溢出了,             *  11 + 3 代表了最小负数加了引号(占用2), 剩余             *  占用1 是因为读完最后一位数字,offset++ 递增了1             */            if (value < 0                    || offset > 11 + 3 + fieldName.length) {                if (value != Integer.MIN_VALUE                        || offset != 17                        || !negative) {                    matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                    return 0;                }            }        } else {            /** 非数字代表不匹配 */            matchStat = NOT_MATCH;            return 0;        }        /** 如果遇到逗号,认为结束 */        if (chLocal == ',') {            bp += offset;            this.ch = this.charAt(bp);            matchStat = VALUE;            token = JSONToken.COMMA;            return negative ? -value : value;        }        if (chLocal == '}') {            chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));            if (chLocal == ',') {                token = JSONToken.COMMA;                bp += offset;                this.ch = this.charAt(bp);            } else if (chLocal == ']') {                token = JSONToken.RBRACKET;                bp += offset;                this.ch = this.charAt(bp);            } else if (chLocal == '}') {                token = JSONToken.RBRACE;                bp += offset;                this.ch = this.charAt(bp);            } else if (chLocal == EOI) {                token = JSONToken.EOF;                bp += (offset - 1);                ch = EOI;            } else {                matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                return 0;            }            matchStat = END;        } else {            matchStat = NOT_MATCH;            return 0;        }        return negative ? -value : value;    }



public long scanLong(char expectNextChar) {        matchStat = UNKNOWN;        int offset = 0;        char chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        final boolean quote = chLocal == '"';        if (quote) {            /** 有引号,继续读下一个字符 */            chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        }        final boolean negative = chLocal == '-';        if (negative) {            /** 有符号,标识是负数 */            chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        }        long value;        /** 循环将字符转换成数字 */        if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {            value = chLocal - '0';            for (;;) {                chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {                    value = value * 10 + (chLocal - '0');                } else if (chLocal == '.') {                    matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                    return 0;                } else {                    break;                }            }            /** 如果偏移量超过最大long的21位,是无效数字 */            boolean valid = value >= 0 || (value == -9223372036854775808L && negative);            if (!valid) {                String val = subString(bp, offset - 1);                throw new NumberFormatException(val);            }        } else if (chLocal == 'n' && charAt(bp + offset) == 'u' && charAt(bp + offset + 1) == 'l' && charAt(bp + offset + 2) == 'l') {            matchStat = VALUE_NULL;            value = 0;            offset += 3;            chLocal = charAt(bp + offset++);            if (quote && chLocal == '"') {                chLocal = charAt(bp + offset++);            }            for (;;) {                if (chLocal == ',') {                    /** 如果是null, 紧跟着逗号,认为结束匹配 */                    bp += offset;                    this.ch = charAt(bp);                    matchStat = VALUE_NULL;                    token = JSONToken.COMMA;                    return value;                } else if (chLocal == ']') {                    /** 如果是null, 紧跟着逗号], 认为结束匹配 */                    bp += offset;                    this.ch = charAt(bp);                    matchStat = VALUE_NULL;                    token = JSONToken.RBRACKET;                    return value;                } else if (isWhitespace(chLocal)) {                    chLocal = charAt(bp + offset++);                    continue;                }                break;            }            matchStat = NOT_MATCH;            return 0;        } else {            matchStat = NOT_MATCH;            return 0;        }        if (quote) {            if (chLocal != '"') {                matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                return 0;            } else {                chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));            }        }        /**         *  忽略和Int一致的根据期望字符判断逻辑         */    }


public long scanFieldLong(char[] fieldName) {        matchStat = UNKNOWN;        /**         *  从当前json串bp位置开始逐字符比较字段 是否匹配         *         *  fieldName 格式是 "name":         *  @see FieldInfo#genFieldNameChars()         */        if (!charArrayCompare(fieldName)) {            matchStat = NOT_MATCH_NAME;            return 0;        }        int offset = fieldName.length;        char chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        boolean negative = false;        if (chLocal == '-') {            /** 有符号,标识是负数 */            chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));            negative = true;        }        long value;        if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {            value = chLocal - '0';            for (;;) {                /** 循环将字符转换成数字 */                chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {                    value = value * 10 + (chLocal - '0');                    /** 如果数字带标点符号,认为不是合法整数,匹配失败 */                } else if (chLocal == '.') {                    matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                    return 0;                } else {                    break;                }            }            /** 如果偏移量超过最大long的21位,是无效数字 */            boolean valid = offset - fieldName.length < 21                    && (value >= 0 || (value == -9223372036854775808L && negative));            if (!valid) {                matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                return 0;            }        } else {            matchStat = NOT_MATCH;            return 0;        }        if (chLocal == ',') {            /** 如果数字后面跟着逗号,结束 并预读下一个字符 */            bp += offset;            this.ch = this.charAt(bp);            matchStat = VALUE;            token = JSONToken.COMMA;            return negative ? -value : value;        }        /**         *  忽略和Int一致的判断数字后续的token逻辑         */        return negative ? -value : value;    }



public float floatValue() {        /** numberString获取到的不包含数字后缀类型,但是包括负数符号(如果有) */        String strVal = numberString();        float floatValue = Float.parseFloat(strVal);        /** 如果是0或者正无穷大,首字母是0-9 代表溢出 */        if (floatValue == 0 || floatValue == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {            char c0 = strVal.charAt(0);            if (c0 > '0' && c0 <= '9') {                throw new JSONException("float overflow : " + strVal);            }        }        return floatValue;    }


public final float scanFieldFloat(char[] fieldName) {        matchStat = UNKNOWN;        if (!charArrayCompare(fieldName)) {            matchStat = NOT_MATCH_NAME;            return 0;        }        int offset = fieldName.length;        char chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        final boolean quote = chLocal == '"';        if (quote) {            chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        }        boolean negative = chLocal == '-';        if (negative) {            chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        }        float value;        if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {            int intVal = chLocal - '0';            for (;;) {                chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {                    intVal = intVal * 10 + (chLocal - '0');                    continue;                } else {                    /** 如果遇到非数字字符终止 */                    break;                }            }            int power = 1;            boolean small = (chLocal == '.');            if (small) {                chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {                    /** 将小数点后面数字转换成int类型数字 */                    intVal = intVal * 10 + (chLocal - '0');                    power = 10;                    for (;;) {                        chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                        if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {                            /** 依次读取数字并转化int,记录小数点的数量级 */                            intVal = intVal * 10 + (chLocal - '0');                            power *= 10;                            continue;                        } else {                            break;                        }                    }                } else {                    matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                    return 0;                }            }            boolean exp = chLocal == 'e' || chLocal == 'E';            if (exp) {                /** 处理科学计数法 */                chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                if (chLocal == '+' || chLocal == '-') {                    chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                }                for (;;) {                    if (chLocal >= '0' && chLocal <= '9') {                        chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                    } else {                        break;                    }                }            }            int start, count;            if (quote) {                if (chLocal != '"') {                    matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                    return 0;                } else {                    /** 遇到浮点数最后一个引号,预读下一个 */                    chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                }                /**                 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                 *  | { | " | k | e | y | " | : | " | 7 | 0 | 0 | 8   |  .  |  5 |  5 |  5 |  5 |  " |  }                 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                 *  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |  18                 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                 *  |  | bp |  |   |   |   |   | |start|   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | offset                 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                 *  fieldName = "key":                 *  fieldName.length == 6, bp == 0, offset == 17                 *  start代表指向浮点第一个数字或者-号,                 *  @see com.alibaba.json.bvt.parser.deser.BooleanFieldDeserializerTest#test_2()                 */                start = bp + fieldName.length + 1;                count = bp + offset - start - 2;            } else {                start = bp + fieldName.length;                count = bp + offset - start - 1;            }            if (!exp && count < 20) {                value = ((float) intVal) / power;                if (negative) {                    value = -value;                }            } else {                String text = this.subString(start, count);                value = Float.parseFloat(text);            }        } else if (chLocal == 'n' && charAt(bp + offset) == 'u' && charAt(bp + offset + 1) == 'l' && charAt(bp + offset + 2) == 'l') {            matchStat = VALUE_NULL;            value = 0;            offset += 3;            chLocal = charAt(bp + offset++);            if (quote && chLocal == '"') {                chLocal = charAt(bp + offset++);            }            for (;;) {                if (chLocal == ',') {                    bp += offset;                    this.ch = charAt(bp);                    matchStat = VALUE_NULL;                    token = JSONToken.COMMA;                    return value;                } else if (chLocal == '}') {                    bp += offset;                    this.ch = charAt(bp);                    matchStat = VALUE_NULL;                    token = JSONToken.RBRACE;                    return value;                } else if (isWhitespace(chLocal)) {                    chLocal = charAt(bp + offset++);                    continue;                }                break;            }            matchStat = NOT_MATCH;            return 0;        } else {            matchStat = NOT_MATCH;            return 0;        }        if (chLocal == ',') {            bp += offset;            this.ch = this.charAt(bp);            matchStat = VALUE;            token = JSONToken.COMMA;            return value;        }        /**         *  省略读取数字后,剩余token匹配逻辑         */        return value;    }


public String scanString(char expectNextChar) {        matchStat = UNKNOWN;        int offset = 0;        char chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        /** 兼容处理null字符串 */        if (chLocal == 'n') {            if (charAt(bp + offset) == 'u' && charAt(bp + offset + 1) == 'l' && charAt(bp + offset + 2) == 'l') {                offset += 3;                chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));            } else {                matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                return null;            }            if (chLocal == expectNextChar) {                bp += offset;                this.ch = this.charAt(bp);                matchStat = VALUE;                return null;            } else {                matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                return null;            }        }        final String strVal;        for (;;) {            if (chLocal == '"') {                int startIndex = bp + offset;                int endIndex = indexOf('"', startIndex);                if (endIndex == -1) {                    throw new JSONException("unclosed str");                }                String stringVal = subString(bp + offset, endIndex - startIndex);                /**                 *  处理逻辑请参考详细注释:                 *  @see ##scanFieldString(char[])                 */                if (stringVal.indexOf('\\') != -1) {                    for (; ; ) {                        int slashCount = 0;                        for (int i = endIndex - 1; i >= 0; --i) {                            if (charAt(i) == '\\') {                                slashCount++;                            } else {                                break;                            }                        }                        if (slashCount % 2 == 0) {                            break;                        }                        endIndex = indexOf('"', endIndex + 1);                    }                    int chars_len = endIndex - startIndex;                    char[] chars = sub_chars(bp + 1, chars_len);                    stringVal = readString(chars, chars_len);                }                offset += (endIndex - startIndex + 1);                chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                strVal = stringVal;                break;            } else if (isWhitespace(chLocal)) {                chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                continue;            } else {                matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                return stringDefaultValue();            }        }        for (;;) {            /** 如果遇到和期望字符认为结束符 */            if (chLocal == expectNextChar) {                bp += offset;                /** 预读下一个字符 */                this.ch = charAt(bp);                matchStat = VALUE;                return strVal;            } else if (isWhitespace(chLocal)) {                chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));                continue;            } else {                matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                return strVal;            }        }    }


public abstract String stringVal();


  1. android6.0jdk6版本 获取子字符串会共享外层Stringchar[] 会导致String占用内存无法释放(特别是打文本字符串)。
public String scanFieldString(char[] fieldName) {        matchStat = UNKNOWN;        /**         *  从当前json串bp位置开始逐字符比较字段 是否匹配         *         *  fieldName 格式是 "name":         *  @see FieldInfo#genFieldNameChars()         */        if (!charArrayCompare(fieldName)) {            matchStat = NOT_MATCH_NAME;            return stringDefaultValue();        }        // int index = bp + fieldName.length;        int offset = fieldName.length;        /** 读取字段下一个字符 */        char chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));        /** json 值类型字符串一定",否则不符合规范 */        if (chLocal != '"') {            matchStat = NOT_MATCH;            return stringDefaultValue();        }        final String strVal;        {            /** startIndex指向双引号下一个字符,             *  eg : "name":"string", startIndex指向s             */            int startIndex = bp + fieldName.length + 1;            int endIndex = indexOf('"', startIndex);            if (endIndex == -1) {                throw new JSONException("unclosed str");            }            int startIndex2 = bp + fieldName.length + 1; // must re compute            String stringVal = subString(startIndex2, endIndex - startIndex2);            /** 包含特殊转译字符 */            if (stringVal.indexOf('\\') != -1) {                /**                 * 处理场景 "value\\\"" json串值                 */                for (;;) {                    int slashCount = 0;                    for (int i = endIndex - 1; i >= 0; --i) {                        if (charAt(i) == '\\') {                            slashCount++;                        } else {                            break;                        }                    }                    if (slashCount % 2 == 0) {                        break;                    }                    /** 如果遇到奇数转译字符,遇到"不认为值结束,找下一个"才认为结束 */                    endIndex = indexOf('"', endIndex + 1);                }                /**                 *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------                 *  | " | k | e | y | " | : | " | v | a | l | u |  e  |  \ |  \ |  \ |  " |  " |                 *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------                 *  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |                 *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------                 *  | bp | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |    |    |    |    |    | endIndex |                 *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------                 *  fieldName = "key":                 *  fieldName.length == 6, bp == 0, endIndex == 16                 *  chars_len = 16 - (0 + 6 + 1) = 9, == value\\\"                 */                int chars_len = endIndex - (bp + fieldName.length + 1);                char[] chars = sub_chars( bp + fieldName.length + 1, chars_len);                stringVal = readString(chars, chars_len);            }            /** 偏移到json串字段值" 下一个字符 */            offset += (endIndex - (bp + fieldName.length + 1) + 1);            chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));            strVal = stringVal;        }        if (chLocal == ',') {            bp += offset;            /** 读取下一个字符 */            this.ch = this.charAt(bp);            matchStat = VALUE;            return strVal;        }        if (chLocal == '}') {            chLocal = charAt(bp + (offset++));            /** 如果字段值紧跟, 标记下次token为逗号 */            if (chLocal == ',') {                token = JSONToken.COMMA;                bp += offset;                this.ch = this.charAt(bp);                /** 如果字段值紧跟] 标记下次token为右中括号 */            } else if (chLocal == ']') {                token = JSONToken.RBRACKET;                bp += offset;                this.ch = this.charAt(bp);                /** 如果字段值紧跟} 标记下次token为右花括号 */            } else if (chLocal == '}') {                token = JSONToken.RBRACE;                bp += offset;                this.ch = this.charAt(bp);                /** 特殊标记结束 */            } else if (chLocal == EOI) {                token = JSONToken.EOF;                bp += (offset - 1);                ch = EOI;            } else {                matchStat = NOT_MATCH;                return stringDefaultValue();            }            matchStat = END;        } else {            matchStat = NOT_MATCH;            return stringDefaultValue();        }        return strVal;    }


终于要结束词法分析相关api接口的分析了,这个是词法分析非常重要的基础实现,有继承这个类的两种实现com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.JSONScannercom.alibaba.fastjson.parser.JSONReaderScanner, 这两个类继承主要增加一个优化的措施,后面讲解反序列化实现的时候会对相关重写的方法进行补充。


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